Stories, thoughts and reflections from my life.

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I'm a climber, skier, hiker, and biker...among other things. I believe that communing with the outdoors can give us incredible insight into our lives, build friendships that last a lifetime, and open our eyes to the larger world around us. This is my blog. Welcome.

31 December 2012

Flow into 2013

-Day 31 of 31-

Wow. What a month. There's been plenty to reflect on and talk about in this blog over the past month. I took on this "Nablopomo" challenge to see if I could actually stick with it and to push myself to think a little harder about why it is I do some things like climbing and skiing and what those things mean to me in larger scale of my life.

It's been a great exercise. And it's very interesting and ironic to me that I'm spending NYE in Boston (of all places) with the person who challenged me to do this Nablopomo thing. It wasn't really a direct "I'm challenging you to do this" type of thing but more of a "I do this so why don't you consider it?" I'm glad I took her up on it. I hope that people who read my blog have gotten something out of all the posts this past month and my blog in general. Afterall, I really write it to share my knowledge, thoughts, and experiences with others so you can hopefully benefit in some way.

As I look back on 2012, the one word that could describe it is growth. I grew in so many ways this past much more than I ever imagined. I have many friends and family members to thank for helping me along the way...they know who they are.

Looking forward to 2013 I'd say that, as usual, I'm guardedly optimistic. But if I had to pick one word for the upcoming 2013 it would be flow. I know there are things upcoming in my life that will challenge my abilities in ways new and old, but I know things will work out well if I remember to stay in the flow of life and not fight the current that's "driving us ever onward". It will not be an easy thing to do day-in and day-out, but then again nothing worth doing is ever really handed to us. Just go with the flow of life and don't fight where the current takes you.

Happy New Year everyone! :-)

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