Stories, thoughts and reflections from my life.

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I'm a climber, skier, hiker, and biker...among other things. I believe that communing with the outdoors can give us incredible insight into our lives, build friendships that last a lifetime, and open our eyes to the larger world around us. This is my blog. Welcome.

23 December 2012

A long drive, plenty of snow and great times with family

-Day 23 of 31-

The drive up to Vermont was seemingly cruising along until about the last 50 miles in NY. That's when it began to drag on, seeming like it would never end. I got off the interstate in Lake George, got gas and then realized there are outlet shops there. I needed to be outta the car for a bit so I stopped by the Brooks Bros outlet.

Back in the car 30 min later I had to drive about another hour and a half to Stowe. Only when I was about 30 min from Stowe did I hit some serious snow coming down. Slowed it down and just focused on the road.

Recapping my wonderful diet yesterday: oatmeal at breakfast, coffee, 3 Red Bulls, bottle of water, 2 Snickers bars and one Clif Bar. Lovely.

I stopped off at Cold Hollow Cider Mill...craving a cider donut. They just happened to be making some fresh donuts. Yum.

After arriving and taking a nap we had dinner and then headed to a friend's place over near Montpelier. The drive down I89 to the state capital was snowy and then some. Welcome to winter in Vermont!

On the way back (after a VERY snowy lane on I89 going 30mph) we drove through Stowe village and I managed to snap some pics; I also took one of the door at my sister's.

Today we did an early Christmas with my nieces at my sister's in-laws so there's a few pics from that too. My niece Abi was thrilled to get Legos while her older sister Nadia was shocked and ecstatic to get a

It was a great first day here in Stowe. The snow is still coming down, defying whatever the weather people say and I hope it continues! This is how Christmas (and winter) should be!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, Andy. Please send my most sincere regards to your family up north for me!


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