Stories, thoughts and reflections from my life.

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I'm a climber, skier, hiker, and biker...among other things. I believe that communing with the outdoors can give us incredible insight into our lives, build friendships that last a lifetime, and open our eyes to the larger world around us. This is my blog. Welcome.

14 December 2012

The Christmas Pickle

-Day 14 of 31-

Perhaps it started in Germany.  Or perhaps it's just a US thing.  Whatever the origins of the tradition, the "Search for the Christmas Pickle" is something that my friends Abi and Amos hold each year at their house during their annual Christmas party.

Somewhere in the depths of the tree, Amos hid the elusive pickle ornament.  There was of course a prize for whoever found it.  So after all of us were well fed and watered (and somewhat inebriated), we gathered in the living room to see which of us could actually find the darn thing.  We started out with each person getting 20 seconds to look.  This was an incredibly short amount of time when you're searching for a tiny pickle ornament about 3 inches long amongst the green branches, bright lights, and other ornaments on the tree.

After a couple rounds of frustratingly searching, the area to search was limited a little bit.  After another round, the area was limited further and the time limit was upped to 25 seconds. The search continued and I prayed that someone would find it now because the rest of us have pretty much given up hope and/or were practically drunk.

On my next turn, after numerous times searching and being blinded by the LED lights on the tree, I somehow saw something out of place, deep in the branches.  I yelled to Amos that I thought I had it and lo and behold, yes!  I actually found the pickle!  Sweet.  My reward?  I got to choose between two wrapped presents.  The one I picked is a set of stormproof matches in a water-tight container.  Pretty cool, especially seeing as how I never thought I'd find it!

The pickle was hidden on the right side at about eye level.
My prize!

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