Stories, thoughts and reflections from my life.

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I'm a climber, skier, hiker, and biker...among other things. I believe that communing with the outdoors can give us incredible insight into our lives, build friendships that last a lifetime, and open our eyes to the larger world around us. This is my blog. Welcome.

19 December 2012

Bubble lights!

-Day 19 of 31-

I love bubble lights.  I have no idea how they really work, nor do I want to...I think it would ruin the magic.  When I was a kid, I'm sure my dad would've told me, "Well, there's a little man in there and...".  Something like that.

Last year when I was in the midst of getting ready to put up the tree, I decided to order a string or two of the real glass incandescent colored lights.  I did this pretty much for the express purpose of being able to put up some bubble lights.  However, I was quite disappointed when only one or two bubble lights would actually bubble.  "Rip off!", I cried.  And then I proceeded to do nothing about it.  So I was nearly as disappointed again this year when I put the bubble lights in and only one of them decided to bubble.  "Hmmm...maybe they need to warm up", I thought.  An hour passed.  Nope.  Still no bubbling.  Fine.  Whatever.  The tree looks nice.

And then a random conversation with my sister this past weekend turned things around.  Literally.  I mentioned to her that some of my bubble lights wouldn't bubble.  "Well just turn them upside-down for a bit," she says very matter-of-factly.  As if everyone knows this and I'm the one person in the world who is clueless on how to get bubble lights to bubble when they won't bubble on their own.  So last night I turned each light upside-down for a few minutes.  When I righted them, all but one started to bubble.  Awesome.  As for that one slacker, I figure that five-out-of-six ain't bad...and I can always move that bum to the backside where no one will notice!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip on how to get the lights to bubble again. It worked perfectly for my new bubble lights! I'm so excited! Merry Christmas.


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