Stories, thoughts and reflections from my life.

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I'm a climber, skier, hiker, and biker...among other things. I believe that communing with the outdoors can give us incredible insight into our lives, build friendships that last a lifetime, and open our eyes to the larger world around us. This is my blog. Welcome.

10 March 2014

Update: Nut tool post re-visited

Many of you may remember my post from last year when I picked up a new nut tool.  If not, here's the link:

I completely forgot to update this I'm doing it now.

Turns out that a few weeks after acquiring the new (to me anyway) Metolius nut tool and prior to leaving for Scotland, I stopped in to Mountain Trails in Winchester, VA.  Alan was in the shop while he was home and I'd ordered some stuff for our trip that I was picking up.  I told him the story about the new nut tool I'd picked up and he had a bit of interesting news for me.  He wasn't sure he wanted to tell me what he had since I had gone through such a rig-a-more-ole getting the Metolius tool.  But as it so happened, I convinced him to tell me what was up.  Turns out he had a brand new Grivel nut tool sitting there behind the counter.  I don't remember exactly how it came to be there because I don't think it was actually part of the store inventory.  Hell I don't even know if I paid him anything for it.  Regardless, he offered it to me along with a small keychain-type biner and some 3mil cord.  How could I possibly have said no?

To complete the circle, a week or so later I presented a very happy Simone with her "new" Metolius nut tool in exchange for a whopping $10.  So in the end, it was win-win situation all around.  My new tool made the trip to Scotland, saw a great deal of action the rest of the season and hopefully will continue in that regard for many more years to come.

My old and new nut tools

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the new nut tool, Andy! Consider it an additional Peak Rewards membership benefit. Thanks for your continued support!

    Mountain Trails


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