Stories, thoughts and reflections from my life.

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I'm a climber, skier, hiker, and biker...among other things. I believe that communing with the outdoors can give us incredible insight into our lives, build friendships that last a lifetime, and open our eyes to the larger world around us. This is my blog. Welcome.

09 January 2013

2012 Reflections

Though it's now over a week into January 2013, I find it useful and necessary to reflect on 2012.  Below are some things that I learned and discovered about myself.  I figured I'd share. These are in no particular order; I simply typed them out as they came to me.

1.  I have become stronger than I ever thought possible; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  I couldn't be happier with my progress as a climber and skier.  And thought the past year has seen a good deal of personal turmoil, it has led to incredibly positive growth and self-realization.

2.  I have become more capable of loving, befriending and forgiving than I have ever known.  But you have to take the good with the bad...and man can I be dumb sometimes and hurt people (and myself) in both words and deeds.  There is always work to do here.

3.  I have realized that I can be an impatient person.  I am a "doer" and people like me tend to want to see things happening.  So being patient can be difficult for me.  Learning to relax, let go of control and go with the flow of life is something I am working hard to do.  Funny that...working hard to do less. :-)

4.  I firmly believe that we are judged more by what we say than what we think and more by what we do than what we say.

5.  I love to climb and ski.  The precision, the fluid movements, the absolute conviction in one's abilities and total concentration on the moment and the flow.  But I've realized that it is not enough to simply do either of these quite well.  Individual achievement is nice, but it is ultimately an empty feeling if not shared and experienced with others and/or if the knowledge is not passed on.

6.  I am more creative and "artsy" than I usually show or than most people probably know.  I began to embrace this more and share it more.  This blog is part of that.  Playing guitar more is part of that.

7.  I have realized that I am a reflective person at times and I sometimes look for or am intrigued by interesting or deeper meanings in some things like literature, poetry and song lyrics.  It is an odd balance between being a "doer" and yet being introspective and thoughtful.

8.  I can learn from anyone...including a 7-year old like my niece, a much younger friend or a climber 20+ years my senior.  Being humble and open allows this to happen.  Smiling helps this too. :-)

9.  Almost always, there is another hold just up only need to hang in there, breathe and find it.

10.  Standing at the top, looking at the possibilities and wondering whether or not to risk it.  But if it just feels right, take the plunge and don't look back.  Because the truth is, you'll get in the flow and it will all work out.

-Thanks was a great ride and I am grateful for the experience.-

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