Stories, thoughts and reflections from my life.

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I'm a climber, skier, hiker, and biker...among other things. I believe that communing with the outdoors can give us incredible insight into our lives, build friendships that last a lifetime, and open our eyes to the larger world around us. This is my blog. Welcome.

28 December 2012

Maaaad River and some thoughts on the New Year

-Day 28 of 31-

So everyone knows, I'm typing this and all these Vermont entries on my iPhone...which is a pain as opposed to a computer.

Anyway, I ventured down to Mad River Glen ski area today. MRG is a fantastic place that is a co-op, owned by public shareholders. The only incentive for them is a vote on certain issues that come up regarding the area (such as whether to allow snowboarders...they don't) and a discount on tickets and stuff at the gift shop. They also have the only single-chair chairlift in the lower 48 (there's one at a ski area in AK).

Great skiing today that just got better for me as time went on. The lift line was fairly long so I only managed 4 runs down, but each run was pretty long and worth the time I was taking to work on skills. This being my first day this season at a lift-served area I definitely didn't have my "ski-legs" yet (I'm sure I'll feel it in the morning). But it made me think a little bit about "starting over" or "beginning anew". With the New Year coming up people always talk about those kinds of things. But really, we bring everything with us into the New Year. All our experience of years past...good, bad and otherwise...comes with us. It's all about how we take that experience and use it positively.

As the day wore on, I felt my techniques and tactics getting better and I felt more confident. I remembered the good things and the positive habits I could apply to each drop, turn, stop, fall, bad situation, etc. Just something to think about as we move into the New Year...take with you and learn from, all your experiences...good, bad and you do that makes you who you are and determines whether or not you grow or stagnate.

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