Stories, thoughts and reflections from my life.

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I'm a climber, skier, hiker, and biker...among other things. I believe that communing with the outdoors can give us incredible insight into our lives, build friendships that last a lifetime, and open our eyes to the larger world around us. This is my blog. Welcome.

15 December 2012

A Good Day at Crescent Rock

-Day 15 of 31-

An unexpected yet wonderful day of climbing out at Crescent Rock on the VA/WV border, off Route 7 in Loudoun County.  Yes, you can park near the gate to the cell tower and not get towed/ticketed!

I met up with Mike and Patrick and off we went.   I've been here many times before. In fact, this was one of the main places where I learned to climb.  It was good to come back, especially on cool winter day.  With the nice southern exposure the sun was on us most of the day.  It wasn't until around 3pm or so that some clouds rolled in and the temp started to drop.  Crescent always is a great winter spot to climb.

We were just top-roping today, but we made sure to hit a bunch of classics.  Psoriasis, The Dish, Coordination Street, and Crescent Crack were the main lines we played on.  We also moved our setup on Psoriasis just a bit to climber's left and climbed some other cool line that has a really interesting variety of moves throughout.  Somebody has definitely been out there recently and is a flippin' saint in my book for trimming back all the briars and thorns on the main ledge shared by this climb and Psoriasis.  Thank you whoever you are!  I also tried a line just right of Crescent Crack but got shut down.  Granted it was the end of the day so I'd like another shot at it when I'm fresh.

In the end, a good day was had by all.  I felt pretty strong and was able to work more on linking moves dynamically, getting into a good flow and rhythm on each route.  I can definitely tell the bouldering work is paying off now!

Mike on Coordination Street (5.10)

Mike on the climb left of Psoriasis (5.9ish)


  1. It's okay just to top-rope there. I hauled in a rack to lead Cresent Crack once... Terrible idea!

  2. Good day indeed! Glad we hooked up and I can't wait to get back out there again soon.


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