Stories, thoughts and reflections from my life.

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I'm a climber, skier, hiker, and biker...among other things. I believe that communing with the outdoors can give us incredible insight into our lives, build friendships that last a lifetime, and open our eyes to the larger world around us. This is my blog. Welcome.

25 December 2012

Christmas Day Fun

-Day 25 of 31-

Amazingly, my nieces held off on waking me up until 0630. Exceedingly difficult I know. A few hours later and we had a couple trash bags full of wrapping paper and some very happy young ladies. I was quite pleased that I was able to snag both of them a sweet pair of ski gloves at the Outdoor Gear X in Burlington (and a "gift" or two to myself...more on that later). But the best present goes to my sister from my dad. He somehow dug up her old Michael Jackson Thriller

We had some food out for "grazing" around mid-day and then we decided to head out to Wiessner Woods, part of the Stowe Trust Lands. I took my light backcountry skis out on the trails while my sister, brother-in-law and the kids went for a hike. We crossed paths a few times and both of us stopped by the Gnome Tree; the others stopped by the Sugar Shack and left some candy on the Candy Tree. After about an hour and a half we linked up to head back to the car. The trails were mostly good with some patchy areas of ice, roots or occasionally a rock. But the snow was light and fluffy, giving the skis a nice glide.

This evening we "grazed" some more and watched a few movies...thus far, The Family Stone and Music and Lyrics. Good times being mellow and relaxing.

Tomorrow is up in the air but I may head out to a lift-served resort with my sister. Thursday is looking like a dump-truck of snow is heading this way. It looks to be a Nor'easter and is predicted to bring 15-25" of the lovely white powder. Vermont and New Hampshire will likely get it while places like Boston will get some snow, but not the big dump that is hopefully heading our way. It should all be done by Friday and set the region up nicely for the weekend. It should be amazing up here with some really good snow. It's the kind of event I've been hoping to catch up here.

So what did I get for myself at the Gear X? I finally got a set of micro spikes so I can walk around on the snow and ice and not worry too much about slip-slidin' away! I also picked up a sweet deal on a set of climbing skins for my K2 Coomback skis. I only use those out west so I didn't want to pay a lot for a set of skins I'd hardly use. I found a set that had been used as a demo and they were on consignment for only $60...about 1/3 retail! :-). Gear X is a great shop on Church St (walking mall) in Burlington. Check it out if you're in town.

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