Stories, thoughts and reflections from my life.

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I'm a climber, skier, hiker, and biker...among other things. I believe that communing with the outdoors can give us incredible insight into our lives, build friendships that last a lifetime, and open our eyes to the larger world around us. This is my blog. Welcome.

25 November 2012

Yosemite Day 8 - Church Bowl and Heading Home

15 September 2012

Our last day in the Valley started much the same as most others.  It was fairly cool, but the sun would change that in a few hours.  Breakfast went down fast and I was anxious to see what new adventure this route Bishop's Terrace would have in store for us.

The beta we had on the route was that it was the best route at Church Bowl (5 stars in the SuperTopo guide), that it had some of the best hand-jams of any 5.8 in the Valley, and that you could do the route in one pitch but it was a full rope length to the anchor chains at the top.  That last point had me concerned.  Mitch couldn't follow me so I'd have to tail up a second rope so that I could tie them together at the top and rappel down.  Looking at the route, I realized it also meant I'd have to plan my gear placements carefully in order to avoid serious rope drag as I climbed higher. 

The lower section of the route went smoothly.  I spaced out the gear but the climbing was fairly easy.  Had I been concerned, I would've changed tactics.  But I was dialed in and focused on this thing and feeling great.  About 1/2 way up I noticed a fixed piece of gear in the small overhang about 20 ft or so up ahead.  It's always nice when you find something like that, especially if it's a bomber piece of gear and you feel secure clipping it for one of your protection pieces.  Anyway, I got up to that overhang, after a surprising and interesting wide section (take a #4 cam or a yellow/blue offset master cam if you ever do this route!!!:-).  The double-cracks up above were just pure fun to jam into.  I remember thinking, "savor this moment...this is just going to be great."
Bishop's Terrace

I made the last few moves and reached the top with just enough slack to clip into the anchor.  Whew!  I called off belay and took my time up there.  I drank in every bit of that wonderful view.  I took some pictures and then just sat and stared for awhile, thanking God for the gifts and the opportunity to be in that moment at that beautiful spot.  In that moment I felt absolute peace and content.

Cathedral Spire (center) - The Three Brother, Manure Pile Buttress and El Capitan (right)

Glacier Point (right)

We had accomplished what we set out to do that day.  I felt bad that Mitch was not able to share that view with me and see the beauty of Yosemite Valley from that perch.  But again, I felt incredibly grateful to him for being on the other end of the rope, a feeling that I believe was only trumped by my gratitude toward him for suggesting this trip in the first place and working with me to put it all together.

The rest of the day was spent quickly packing up and then driving back up through Tuolumne Meadows and on to Reno, NV.  We stopped at a few points along the way to take pictures and just reflect.

Half Dome is on the right.  I think Tenaya Peak is on the left.

Stately Pleasure Dome is on the left, overlooking the lake.

An amazing trip for sure.  I'm forever grateful for the experience and the great friendship I have with Mitch that made it all possible.  I can't thank him enough for pushing me the last few years to climb harder routes and to do more as a climber.  The pilgrimage to Yosemite is in the books, but it's a trip I'll never forget and I look forward to the next time I visit there and whatever adventures may unfold...climbing or otherwise.

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